Thursday, November 19, 2015

Louis Gregh's 'Élégie Pastorale' - the title page and verse quotations

This piece, recorded by me twice on YouTube on , and also on has one of the saddest underlying stories and cover art that I have seen.  Here is the cover:

Note the swain on the left offering flowers to his bride - on the right-hand picture he is paying respects to her grave.  The piece is prefaced by an extract from 'Souvenirs Intimes' by the French poet Antoine Queyriaux:

"Quand le soleil d'avril ôtait a la nature
Son lourd manteau d'hiver flétri, par les autans,
Nous allions admirer sa nouvelle parure,
Ecoutant les oiseaux qui fêtaient le printemps.
L'automne vint ravir ma douce fiancée,
Nos serments échangés se sont évanouis! ..
Dans les sentiers ombreux où nous rêvions ensemble
Tout est triste et muet, le soleil est voilé.
Je la vois près de moi ...le cœur ému, je tremble...
Je crois saisir sa main... rien! .. je reste accablé! .. "

Here is my attempt at a translation (corrections welcome!):

"When the April sun has deprived nature
Of his heavy winter coat withered by impetuous winds,
We would admire her new dress,
Listening to the birds celebrating spring.
-------------------------------------------------- -----
Autumn came to rob me of my sweet bride,
Our exchanged vows have vanished! ..
In the shady paths where we dreamed together
Everything is sad and silent, the sun is veiled.
I see around me ... the emotional heart, I tremble ...
I think I am holding her hand ... nothing! I remain overwhelmed ..! "